Simple Web Indexing System for Humans: C++ version

E-Mail Discussion List

  1. About the SWISH++ Discussion List
  2. Policy
  3. Hosted via Yahoo Groups
  4. Subscribe to the Discussion List

  1. About the SWISH++ Discussion List
    The SWISH++ Discussion List is, as its name implies, for the discussion of SWISH++: the free, Unix-based indexing and searching engine.

    Discussion of SWISH++, its features, use, and implementation are welcome. Additionally, discussion on broader topics, such as indexing and searching in general and web interfaces for searching, are also welcome. (The topic must have something to do with indexing and searching, however.)

    It is hoped that this will be an intellectually-stimulating discussion list rather than merely being about clueless newbies who can't RTFM to get the software installed and working.

    Bugs in SWISH++ (or things you really think may be bugs) should probably only be reported to me.

  2. Policy
    As stated above, the topic of mail sent to the mailing list must have something to do with indexing and searching.

    A partial list of unacceptable topics is:
    • Things that are covered either in the SWISH++ documentation or the FAQ (unless it's asking for clarification).
    • General programming questions (such as how you do something in Perl).
    • Advertisements, a.k.a, ``spam.''
    • Personal attacks (unless someone deserves it by, for example, falsely blaming someone or something when the fault lies with his or her own ignorance or incompetence).

    Additionally, e-mail that does any of the following will be rejected:
    • Gratuitously quotes entire e-mail messages. (Trim what you are quoting to the bare minimim just to give context.)
    • Contains voluminous source code. (We're not going to wade through your code to help you debug it.)
    • Contains voluminous program output. (A few exemplary lines will suffice.)

    If you submit unacceptable mail, you will be warned exactly once. If you either follow-up or argue, you will be removed from the mailing list immediately. If you send mail that is obviously off-topic, you will be removed immediately.

  3. Hosted via Yahoo Groups
    The discussion list is hosted via the free Yahoo Groups service. You must be a subscriber to the mailing list in order to send mail to it. Additionally, you may want to register with Yahoo Groups (which is also free) to control how you receive e-mail (individually, digest, web-only, etc.).

  4. Subscribe to the Discussion List
    You can use the form below to subscribe yourself automatically: enter your e-mail address and select the ``join'' button.

    Subscribe to the SWISH++ Discussion List
    [View the SWISH++ archive]
    If you have any questions about the mechanics of the mailing list, consult the Yahoo Groups help pages or their technical support staff, i.e., don't ask me for help with Yahoo Groups. I have made the list available, nothing more. Availing yourself of it is your problem.

Copyright © 1998-2006 by Paul J. Lucas.
SWISH++ is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
Last updated: September 26, 2001